Really like the place. Hung around the new wharf precinct development which includes the new Convention Centre with it's popular wave lagoon at its feet.
Now there is a plan to revamp the deserted Victoria Square in Adelaide. Plenty to discuss here later. And the latest and greatest plan is, -well adequate but resembles a facsimile to whats already been done in Melbourne. Bottom line is to attract a crowd and bring a real vibe to this city 'round about'.
Now it gets hot in summer in Adelaide. And if you want to attract people to a location provide something that can not only relieve summer stress but has a wow factor beyond belief. Cue Wave Pool! Actually a Wave Lagoon! You don't have to swim in it to appreciate it. Slap bang in the middle of a city it would definitely draw a crowd or three, it's quite a spectacle. And if Darwin with a population of 100k + can do it then so can Adelaide. Worried about the carbon footprint? Use solar power generated by panels on nearby rooftops.
So... consider the wasted parcel of turf south of Victoria Square. Build an amazing wave lagoon. Sprinkle it with plein-air cafes and such. Maybe create sand beaches like they do on the banks of the River Seine during summer in Paris. Hey the tram can circle by (it's route goes right past). What a view arriving to the city this would be for commuters. Worth considering huh.
Tell me, does the current plan float your boat?